============================ :program:`pt-secure-collect` ============================ NAME ==== :program:`pt-secure-collect` - collect, sanitize, pack and encrypt data. SYNOPSIS ======== Usage ----- :: pt-secure-data [] [ ...] By default, :program:`pt-secure-collect` will collect the output of: - ``pt-stalk --no-stalk --iterations=2 --sleep=30`` - ``pt-summary`` - ``pt-mysql-summary`` Global flags ------------ .. option:: --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man). .. option:: --debug Enable debug log level. COMMANDS ======== * **Help command** Show help * **Collect command** Collect, sanitize, pack and encrypt data from pt-tools. Usage: :: pt-secure-collect collect .. option:: --bin-dir Directory having the Percona Toolkit binaries (if they are not in PATH). .. option:: --temp-dir Temporary directory used for the data collection. Default: ``${HOME}/data_collection_{timestamp}`` .. option:: --include-dir Include this dir into the sanitized tar file. .. option:: --config-file Path to the config file. Default: ``~/.my.cnf`` .. option:: --mysql-host MySQL host. Default: ```` .. option:: --mysql-port MySQL port. Default: ``3306`` .. option:: --mysql-user MySQL user name. .. option:: --mysql-password MySQL password. .. option:: --ask-mysql-pass Ask MySQL password. .. option:: --extra-cmd Also run this command as part of the data collection. This parameter can be used more than once. .. option:: --encrypt-password Encrypt the output file using this password. If omitted, it will be asked in the command line. .. option:: --no-collect Do not collect data .. option:: --no-sanitize Do not sanitize data .. option:: --no-encrypt Do not encrypt the output file. .. option:: --no-sanitize-hostnames Do not sanitize hostnames. .. option:: --no-sanitize-queries Do not replace queries by their fingerprints. .. option:: --no-remove-temp-files Do not remove temporary files. * **Decrypt command** Decrypt an encrypted file. The password will be requested from the terminal. Usage: :: pt-secure-collect decrypt [flags] .. option:: --outfile Write the output to this file. If omitted, the output file name will be the same as the input file, adding the ``.aes`` extension. * **Encrypt command** Encrypt a file. The password will be requested from the terminal. Usage: :: pt-secure-collect encrypt [flags] .. option:: --outfile Write the output to this file. If omitted, the output file name will be the same as the input file, without the ``.aes`` extension. * **Sanitize command** Replace queries in a file by their fingerprints and obfuscate hostnames. Usage: :: pt-secure-collect sanitize [flags] .. option:: --input-file Input file. If not specified, the input will be Stdin. .. option:: --output-file Output file. If not specified, the input will be Stdout. .. option:: --no-sanitize-hostnames Do not sanitize host names. .. option:: --no-sanitize-queries Do not replace queries by their fingerprints. Authors ======= Carlos Salguero